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PISJUBAIL Child Protection Policy

PISJubail believes that at the core of each activity every elder is responsible to help, support and maintain a school life which prevents as much as possible the risks of having a child in a harmful or dangerous situation (to its all-possible definitions). The notion of risk is important and needs to be elaborated with a wide range of safety and precautionary measures at a deeper level of understanding of this policy and related practices and procedures.

5 Key Aspects Of CP&SF At PISJUBAIL

1. Leadership & Management

1. The school complies with all legal and statutory requirements and obligations in relation to child protection for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2. The school has created a definition of child protection that School Management Council, school leaders, staff, students, parents, support staff fully understand and follow.

3. Child protection policies and procedures are regularly reviewed.

4. A dedicated team in the school serves as (e.g., child protection officers) who continuously engage themselves in overseeing child protection procedures and related school policies, a duty of the day (DOD) roaster is implemented across the whole school as a step.

2. Procedure & Communication

1. We have ensured and shall promote that the school’s operational procedures support and encourage good practice leading to enhanced child protection, including:

  • training and support
  • identification and/or disclosure
  • reporting in line with policy.
  • Child protection policy/procedures are explained in this document and are accessible to all stake holders of PISJubail.

2. Students, staff, and support staff are aware of what to do if they feel uncomfortable or have concerns about mistreatment or abuse.

3. We closely work with the MOE and relevant school authorities, and any instructions received in this regard are strictly complied.

4. We closely work with the MOE and relevant school authorities, and any instructions received in this regard are strictly complied.

3.A: Recruitment & Contact

1. The school has initiated, and complies with, robust policies/procedures, which are required to be successfully implemented, to make sure it only employs and engages people of sound moral character.

2. The school ensures to make sure that all helpers, support staff and contract workers are people of sound moral character and are suitable to work with children.

3.B: Culture & Embedding Child Protection in Teaching & Learning

1. We are constantly working towards building a culture and values by encouraging good practices leading to enhanced child protection.

2. We are working towards constituting a Child protection awareness to form part of the written and taught curriculum.

3.C: Environment For Child Protection

1. Our school’s buildings and facilities, security and protection measures are compatible with child protection and related policies and are compliant with local laws.

2. We ensure the safety and protection of students’ school based, or during extended activities, elsewhere other than the school premises.

A: Related Policies & Procedures – Continuum

1. Application For Employment

2. Corrective And Preventive Actions Forms & Procedures

3. Incident & Investigation Report & Procedures

4. Parental Guardian Consent Form

5. Staff Code of Conduct

6. Staff Code of Ethics

7. Staff Code of Ethics & Conduct Acknowledgement

4. Purpose Of School Policy On Child Protection & Safeguarding

1. Provide a robust and comprehensive documentation on PISJubail Policy on Child Protection and Safeguarding.

2. Explore all possible relevant context to the policy

3. Provide the necessary clarifications/definitions and assessment tools for clear identification and recognition of abuse/neglect situations

4. Ensure an exemplary standard of child protection and safeguarding at PISJubail

5. Ensure that prompt and adequate assistance is provided to a child in need of special care and protection

6. Define procedures for whole school community and establish clear reporting guidelines and mechanisms

7. Outline processes and protocols for PISJubail in connecting to its stake holders (PISJubail Pakistani Community, parents, employees, students, MOE, Embassy of Pakistan in Riyadh, SMC, and relevant local regulatory authorities.)

8. This handbook outlines PISJubail’s child protection protocols and procedures aligned with the School Rules & Regulations.

9. Our Policy on Child Protection applies to all school community members, stake holders, including support staff, volunteers, working in or on behalf of the school.

10. This document serves as a point of reference for all matters related to the Child Protection at PISJubail.

11. The Pakistan International School, Jubail is committed to providing a safe and stimulating learning and teaching environment that promotes the social, physical, and ethical development of each child.

12. All members of the PISJubail community must therefore act in the best interest of the children in our care. This includes:

  • Supporting each child’s development in ways that promotes security, confidence, and independence
  • Providing an environment in which children and young people feel safe, secure, valued, and respected, including feeling confident to approach adults if they are in difficulty
  • Raising awareness of all adults and educating all children in the PISJubail community regarding the need to safeguard children, including their responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse or neglect
  • Providing a systematic means of monitoring and supporting children who may be at risk
  • Maintaining a structured procedure for all members of the school community to report suspected abuse or neglect
  • Developing and maintaining effective working relationships with other authorities responsible for the care of children and families
  • Ensuring that all staff and volunteers at PISJubail who have access to children have been checked for suitability, including verification of their identity, police background checks and qualifications.
  • Training for staff, students and parents will be ongoing in this area and a specific action plan of development policies and practices will be undertaken annually.

5. Aim Of This Handbook

To ensure that all members of the PISJubail school community help keep students safe by:

1. contributing to the provision of safe learning environments for students

2. taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe at school

3. identifying students who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm

4. communicating to the school and relevant wider community in our commitment to safeguarding students

This handbook outlines how PISJubail will:

1. provide parents, staff, and students with a developmentally appropriate common definition of, and, understanding about child abuse and the related signs and symptoms (physical, neglect, moral and emotional)

2. create an environment where students feel secure, have their viewpoints valued, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to

3. continue to develop awareness in all staff of the need for safeguarding student wellbeing in all aspects of their work and their responsibilities in identifying abuse, with particular care being taken with students with learning variances and disabilities

4. ensure that all staff are aware of the referral procedures and Designated Safeguarding Leads within the school

5. provide a systematic means of monitoring all students who have been identified as ‘having protection needs’

6. ensure that outside agencies are involved as appropriate

7. ensure students know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried and direct them to the right person.

8. provide information for parents/carers outlining the procedures laid down by this handbook

9. ensure we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of all staff and volunteers who work with our students